Pass the Chicken
(or no matter where you go, you are where you eat)
As a result of finding a very odd poem about chickens inscribed on a light pole in central California in concert with my memory of being fed K.F.C. on my first ride, I explore the connection between hitchhiking and chickens, both of which are commonly linked to “the road.” Under a set of twenty loosely constructed subheadings, this investigation takes me into such disparate, yet linked, realms as ancient Roman and Greek histories and customs, human migrations and explorations, pagan mythology and masonic ritual, old Mississippi blues and modern country music, etymology and animal husbandry, numerology and alchemy, pilgrimages and the occult, interactions between Jews and Christians, saints and Satan, Kentucky chickens and bourbon, human thumbs and Buffalo wings, Spanish conquistadors and the Wild West, native Americans and Daughters of the American Revolution, and nuclear holocaust and our national pastime. In the final analysis, it dawns on me that maybe the chicken never really did cross the road or ever intended to; it was actually just hitchhiking down it!