1stride - The Story
Every story is a snapshot in time and a slice from a continuum. Even when a tale jumps from one point or place in time or space to another, it must be spliced together or stitched up with a common thread, or it is no longer a part of the same yarn. But, no story, save one, is the whole story.
To parallel what a philosopher once expressed about those with the desire to possess everything on Earth, if you did indeed have the entire story, what is it you would seek to discover or know? Conversely, although there may be times we may seek shelter in perceived insulated isolation, there are no vacuums in which to hide. Besides, such voids are said to be deplored by Nature.
And, as John Muir (1838 - 1914), renowned for his wanderings, musings, and observations about the natural world and one's place in it, once proclaimed...
To parallel what a philosopher once expressed about those with the desire to possess everything on Earth, if you did indeed have the entire story, what is it you would seek to discover or know? Conversely, although there may be times we may seek shelter in perceived insulated isolation, there are no vacuums in which to hide. Besides, such voids are said to be deplored by Nature.
And, as John Muir (1838 - 1914), renowned for his wanderings, musings, and observations about the natural world and one's place in it, once proclaimed...
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe...”
...to which my story is hitched...